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1. Peace Games

Bando e linea: Erasmus + (KA2) 
durata: 2  anni (2021-23)
PI del progetto: prof.ssa Rita Bertozzi
Università, centri o altri partner coinvolti: FREREF, IIHL, Liceo Cassino, MEDE (Malta), DA2 (Spagna), FHJ (Austria), ESVN (Germania), UCA (Francia)

Abstract del progetto:

The Peace Games project aims to contribute to the development of citizenship, democratic and social competences by using the full potential of creativity through game-based learning in formal and informal learning. Peace Games originated within the Laboratory for Education Inspiring Peace (EIP Lab - and as an Erasmus+ project responds to the need of offering advice and orientation to the education community and to individual learners, by developing a structured review of existing games, based on a qualified analysis of learning objectives achievable, and a community hub to engage on peace-oriented online and offline games. The PEACE GAMES catalogue is a selection of 55 interesting digital and analog games relevant to teaching and learning peace and peace-oriented competences.